© Copyright 2001-2025 Studióski. All rights are reserved. All photographs, videos and text (“materials”) included on this website and any other affiliated websites or social media accounts are the property of Shaun Smith and/or that of Studióski. All materials are protected under the South African Copyright Act 98 of 1978 as well as any international copyright laws and treaties, which laws provide substantial penalties for infringement of copyright. The use of any images or other materials included on this website and any other affiliated websites or social media accounts, in whole or part, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproduction, storage, manipulation, digital or otherwise, is expressly prohibited without the written permission of Shaun Smith. Please note that the material contained on this website and any other affiliated website or social media accounts are not royalty free and a fee is required for each specific usage. This includes, inter alia, the use of any of these materials for the use in web pages, print media or social media. Any such usage may be in direct conflict with the interests of our clients who have duly paid a usage fee for a specific purpose. Studióski and/or Shaun Smith reserves their rights to institute legal action against any person or entity making illegal use of the material contained on this website and any other affiliated websites or social media accounts. Studióski encourages all clients and non-clients to respect all national and international copyright laws. Should you have any copyright queries pertaining to the material contained on this website and any other affiliated websites or social media accounts, please contact us via the contact details listed on this website.